Press releases


TERREÏS filed on June 7, 2019 a public share buyback tender offer (the “OPRA”) following the effective realisation of the disposal of a property portfolio comprising 28 real estate assets for €1.7 billion (excluding transfer duties) to entities controlled or managed by Swiss Life Asset Managers (the Disposal).

As a reminder, the effective realisation of the Disposal announced on May 28, 2019 is accompanied by the payment of dividends totalling €25.38 per ordinary share and €25.56 per preference share (the Distributions). The Distributions will be detached on July 1, 2019 (ex-date), and will be paid on July 3, 2019.

The indicative timetable contained in the draft offer document relating to the “OPRA” is revised as follows, as a consequence of the new ex-date. Subject to the receipt of the AMF's compliance decision on the OPRA, the OPRA would be opened on July 3, 2019 and the settlement-delivery of the shares tendered to the OPRA would occur on July 30, 2019.

Prior to the opening of the OPRA, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) will publish a notice announcing the opening date and the timetable of the Offer, and Euronext Paris will publish a notice announcing the terms and timing of the Offer.



Contact: Fabrice Paget-Domet, Chief Executive Officer - Tel: +33 (0)1 82 00 95 23

About TERREÏS ( - ISIN: FR0010407049 - Ticker symbol: TER
TERREÏS is a real estate company where the assets consist of offices and retail premises that are primarily located in Paris. TERREÏS has been listed on the Euronext regulated market in Paris since December 2006, and has been included in Compartment B since January 2012. The Group has opted for the status of listed property investment company (“SIIC”) since 1st January 2007.

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