Press releases


Results of TERREÏS' public share buyback tender offer (OPRA)

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the « AMF ») and Euronext published today a notice announcing that 11,283,732 ordinary shares and 42,924 preference shares were tendered to the public share buyback tender offer (the “Offer”) launched by Terreïs.

Terreïs will therefore buy back a total of 11.326.656 of its own shares (ordinary shares and preference shares included), corresponding to 44.1% of its share capital and representing an aggregate amount of 392,288,508 euros.

Under the Offer - which was opened from July 3, 2019 to July 23, 2019 (included) - the Company proposed to buy back shares at a price of 34.62 euros per ordinary share and 38.34 euros per preference share.

Settlement and delivery of the Offer should occur on July 30, 2019.

Subject to the settlement and delivery, all shares bought back as part of the Offer will be cancelled on July 31, 2019, together with 18,428 treasury shares. As a result, the Company's share capital will be reduced to 43,003,998 euros, consisting of 14,334,666 shares.

Following the above-mentioned cancellation of shares, Ovalto will hold 96.4% of Terreïs' share capital. Consequently, and as mentioned in the information note relating to the Offer which received AMF visa n°19-297, Ovalto will file a squeeze-out tender offer followed by a mandatory squeeze-out at the same price than the Offer. This price remains subject to approval by the AMF as part of its examination of the squeeze-out tender offer and mandatory squeeze-out contemplated by Ovalto.



Contact: Fabrice Paget-Domet, Chief Executive Officer - Tel: +33 (0)1 82 00 95 23

About TERREÏS ( - ISIN: FR0010407049 - Ticker symbol: TER
TERREÏS is a real estate company where the assets consist of offices and retail premises that are primarily located in Paris. TERREÏS has been listed on the Euronext regulated market in Paris since December 2006, and has been included in Compartment B since January 2012. The Group has opted for the status of listed property investment company (“SIIC”) since 1st January 2007.

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